Join us

You did join us ” on Saturday, July 19, from 4:30 - 8:30 p.m. on the grounds of beautiful Camp Knutson located at 11148 Manhattan Point BLVD, Crosslake, MN 56442. There was a record attendance, with the silent and live auctions raising more dollars for campers than ever before. All in all, it was an amazing event, with thanks to all the volunteers and donors that helped with this event. Without all of you, it would be impossible to raise these funds to improve the lives of our campers! Don’t forget to join us next year on July 18, 2026!!

Silent and Live Auction

We had a great selection of auction item for this event, thanks to the solicitation efforts of our volunteers. We provide these links if you need ideas. (check out the Silent Auction Donation Ideas link below.)

The Electronic Donation forms can be downloaded from the link below. We are encouraging you to fill out the electronic link, print it out, and bring it when you deliver your donations to our drop-off location, Crosslake Lutheran Church, 35960 CR 66, Crosslake, MN 55442, on the dates listed below. The items of the online auction will be photographed and available for viewing on the registration link.

Delivery Dates

Volunteer for Night Under the Stars

If you are interested in working on a Night Under the Stars committee (design/decoration, auction, entertainment, registration, greeting, publicity, parking, day of event), please contact Contact Gretchen Sebald at 612.310.4405 or


REgistration opens June , 2025. for the details on tickets, pricing and registration, visit us then!


Sponsorships are available for businesses and organizations to help lead the way and show their commitment to Camp Knutson. View more information

Silent Auction Items: If you are interested in donating an item, experience or basket for the Night Under the Stars Auctions, please contact Gretchen Sebald at 612.310.4405 or